Sunday, January 4, 2009

Did PLAGAL Get Ink?

When anything appears in the lesbian and gay media or blog discussing the Pro-Life movement, or in any media discussing PLAGAL, Please, PLEASE send it to us so that we can post it for all to see. We do not have -- and cannot afford -- a clipping service or subscriptions to the multitude of lesbian and gay media. We are always discovering -- sometimes months after the event -- that we were mentioned somewhere. As has become our custom, we would also like to remind our readers that PLAGAL needs the names (and addresses, voice and fax numbers, and now e-mail addresses) of local gay and lesbian media.

In the mean time PLAGAL was mentioned in the following blogs

Plagal By Ashley-Cooper Unfortunately, the last time PLAGAL tried marching in the annual March for Life, the leaders of the march had them placed under arrest. Apparently, bigotry means more to the pro-lifers than the lives of the unborn. ...TheologyWeb Campus -

Nonviolent Choice: LGBT Phobia Leads to Crisis Pregnancy and AbortionBy Marysia This post originally appeared on the blog of PLAGAL, the Pro Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians. It appears here with the blessing of its author, Cecilia Brown, current PLAGAL president and a woman who has firsthand experience with the ...Nonviolent Choice -

Sophia's Call: Homophobia Leads to AbortionBy Sophia Because of this experience I have become active in the pro life movement and have gone on to become president of PLAGAL- The Pro life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians. So Rick Warren and others like him, who give "pro-life" a bad name by ...Sophia's Call -

Conservative Lavender: same-sex marriage is up way too loud...By nissa_amas_katoj Queer Conservative · "Honest" Being The Key Word... 2 days ago. i must decrease · same-sex marriage is up way too loud. 3 days ago. PLAGAL: Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians · Study: Lesbian teens at higher pregnancy risk ...Conservative Lavender -

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